The second volume in an unprecedented series of books devoted to each designer of the prestigious house of Dior since its inception, Dior by Yves Saint Laurent encompasses Yves Saint Laurent’s most iconic haute couture creations for the renowned house, from the Trapeze silhouette of his debut Spring-Summer 1958 collection to the beatnik inspiration for Fall-Winter 1960. Featuring a wealth of stunning photographs by Laziz Hamani and expressive text by Saint Laurent biographer Laurence Benaim, this monumental volume provides profound insight into Saint Laurent’s inspirations, influences, and vision for the evolution of the house of Dior.
Dior by Yves Saint Laurent przedstawia najsłynniejsze projekty Yves Saint Laurenta tworzone dla domu mody Diora. Zawiera mnóstwo zapierających dech fotografii Laziza Hamani’ego oraz tekst Laurence Benaima – biografa Yves Saint Laurenta. Książka daje wgląd w inspiracje, wizje i wpływ tego projektanta na rozwój domu mody Diora. Stanowi drugi tom serii poświęconej projektantom mody.